Emergency Services & Recommended Professionals
An emergency situation is not something Dr. Sarah ever wants for you to experience with your pet but in the case that there is a need for emergency veterinary intervention there are some provider options listed below as well as Dr. Sarahs recommended professionals for preventative veterinary medicine, surgical and alternative wellness modalities.
Dr. Sarah can be contacted for mobile equine emergencies such as lameness, wounds, injuries, colic, overall reduced mood & physical wellness etc
403 - 478 - 7005
In certain circumstances there may be a need for another veterinary intervention such as surgery, a need for a certain services or piece of equipment or for when Dr. Sarah is unavailable or unreachable please contact Moore & Company Veterinary Services
403 - 226 - 2585
Dr. Sarah does not provide small animal veterinary medical services or surgery please contact Fen Vet for this type of appointment.
587 - 602 - 4442
Dr. Sarah does not provide small animal emergency veterinary services. Please Contact VCA Canada Calgary Animal Referral Emergency Centre
403- 520 - 8387